Comparing Paleo and Keto Diets

Impact on Gut Health

These days, you can't miss hearing about paleo and ketogenic diets in health magazines or gyms.

People try these diets to lose weight or boost their health. But with both being so popular, you might wonder how they're different. How do they compare when it comes to gut health?

Let’s delve into the details.

Understanding the Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet, also known as the Paleolithic or caveman diet, focuses on consuming foods that our ancestors ate during the Paleolithic era. This includes lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Foods excluded from the diet are grains, legumes, dairy products, refined sugars, and processed foods.

The paleo diet is based on the idea that modern ways of producing and processing food can harm our health. By eating like our ancient ancestors did, who hunted and gathered their food during the Paleolithic era, you can help your body work better naturally, which can improve digestion and overall health.

Impact on Gut Health:

1. Increased Fiber Intake: The Paleo diet typically includes a higher intake of fruits, vegetables, and nuts, which are rich in fiber. This can promote gut health by supporting regular bowel movements and providing prebiotics that nourish beneficial gut bacteria.
2. Reduced Inflammation: By avoiding processed foods, dairy and sugars, the Paleo diet may help reduce inflammation in the gut. Chronic inflammation can disrupt gut flora balance and lead to various digestive issues. 

Understanding the Keto Diet

The Keto diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet designed to induce ketosis, a metabolic state in which the body burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. The diet typically includes meats, high-fat dairy, nuts, seeds, and non-starchy vegetables while restricting carbohydrates like grains, sugars, and most fruits.

The keto diet focuses on these main nutrients:

  • Fat: 65-90%

  • Protein: 10-30%

  • Carbohydrates: less than 5%

Compared to a regular diet, keto is high in fat, moderate in protein, and very low in carbs.

The keto diet aims to achieve ketosis, where your body breaks down fat for energy. To do this, you must carefully control how much fat, protein, and carbs you eat. If you don’t, your body might stop ketosis.

Many people are interested in the keto diet because it could help them lose weight and manage their blood sugar better.

Impact on Gut Health:

1. Altered Gut Microbiome: The Keto diet's high fat and low carbohydrate content can alter the gut microbiome composition. Studies have shown changes in the abundance of certain gut bacteria, which may affect gut health and metabolism.

2. Constipation Risk: Due to reduced fiber intake from carbohydrates, individuals on the Keto diet may experience constipation or irregular bowel movements. This can impact gut health negatively by reducing the diversity of gut microbes.

3. Potential Benefits for Inflammatory Conditions: Some research suggests that the Keto diet may benefit inflammatory conditions like IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) by reducing inflammation markers, although more research is needed.

Key Differences and Considerations

1. Fiber Content: The Paleo diet typically provides more fiber than the Keto diet, which is essential for gut health and regular digestion.

2. Nutrient Balance: The Paleo diet may be more balanced in terms of essential nutrients, whereas the Keto diet may require careful planning to avoid deficiencies. Dairy is inflammatory and this could causes issues for some individuals on a keto diet.

3. Long-Term Sustainability: Both diets can be effective in the short term, but long-term adherence may vary due to practicality and individual preferences.


Both the Paleo and Keto diets can influence gut health, albeit in different ways. The Paleo diet may offer more benefits for gut health due to its higher fiber content and focus on whole, unprocessed foods. Meanwhile, the Keto diet's impact on gut health is less clear, with potential benefits for certain inflammatory conditions but risks related to reduced fiber intake. Ultimately, choosing the right diet depends on individual health goals, preferences, and the guidance of a healthcare professional.

At Blue Skye, we recognize a healthy diet’s role in overall well-being. This is why we incorporate it into our care model.  We provide straightforward, affordable, and easy-to-follow guidelines to heal and maintain a healthy gut!

Check out our website or click the links below for more about gut health and our Blue Skye Body program.


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